Thursday, March 14, 2013

Enigma of radio waves from nearby galaxy

There are lots of mysterious things in space and  still unrevealed by the human . An unknown object in the nearby galaxy M82 has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen anywhere in the universe before .  As you know radio waves cannot getting in empty space because it wouldn't through easily ,but these things has been appeared 6 times ! 

 This radio waves encountered when Astronomy teams has been working to discovery about exploding planets  some strange radio waves was detected .Could the object be a black hole? It is not quite in the middle of M82, where astronomers would expect to find the kind of supermassive central black hole that most other galaxies have. Which leaves the possibility that it could be a smaller-scale "microquasar".

A microquasar is formed after a very massive star explodes, leaving behind a black hole around 10 to 20 times the mass of the sun, which then starts feeding on gas from a surviving companion star. Microquasars do emit radio waves – but none seen in our galaxy is as bright as the new source in M82. Microquasars also produce plenty of X-rays, whereas no X-rays have been seen from the mystery object. 

In my opinion , probably black hole do a emitted radio waves but we can't lose a chance of other living creatures out of there is trying to give us a sign.


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